Friday 7 December 2012

This Week's Baking

I'm sharing 24 baking recipes between December 1 to December 24, over at A Word From Aunt B.

No recipe today, but look for two tomorrow.  :)

Here's a  list of the recipes posted since December 1.  Enjoy!


life in this 1880 farmhouse said...

they look really good

Aunt B said...

Thank you. :)

life in this 1880 farmhouse said...

Aunt B, you can find my baking and budgeting at

Aunt B said...

Thanks. I've subscribed. I'll be getting your posts in my RSS feed.

Unknown said...

YUM! They all look so good.

Aunt B said...

Thank you Marlys.

chow and chatter said...

nice collection of festive recipes

Aunt B said...

Thanks Rebecca. :)