Tuesday 8 January 2013

What We Spent December 10 - January 6

I have an epic What We Spent post this time, spanning almost a month and including both Christmas and New Years Eve.  It’s a long one, but I did want to share the entire list because I think we really did quite well in all but one category.

As with all my What We Spents, this one includes expeditures for food, household items, personal care items, and gas.  The first three are in good shape. 

We stayed within our food budget despite the holidays and even managed to stock up on a few things.  We bought beef suet for the freezer because we both enjoy a steamed pudding but can’t get suet here except at Christmas, and stocked up on cranberries and avocadoes while they were available at a good price.  Eggnog was on sale too, as it always is just before it disappears from the grocery store, so I bought several litres of that too.  (I’ll be posting soon about what I did with most of it.) 

Our gas expenditures are 'way out of whack right now.  A dear friend was in hospital out of town and we were driving back and forth to visit her.  It killed our budget for the month but some things are more important than money. (Really, they are!)  We made a decision to do the driving and budget be damned.  It was one of those times when we were very grateful to have some extra money in our “just in case” fund.

The driving is likely to continue for some time so we’ve had to sit down and decide what we can do without in order to pay for it.  I’ve taken on some extra work and we’ll do without our entertainment fund or clothing purchases for at least a couple of months. 

Life’s like that, isn’t it?  A constant series of adjustments.  :)

Here’s what we spent between December 10 and January 6:

Dec. 11/12

4 liters skim milk

.655 kg/1.45 lbs asparagus

2 x 2 litres eggnog

.81 kg/1.78 lbs celery

10 x 454 g/1 lb ground suet

7 lbs. fuji apples
Dec. 17/12

9 lbs Japanese mandarin oranges
Dec. 19/12
12 croissants

household supplies

personal care items

4 liters skim milk

Romaine lettuce

1 red onion

10 lbs potatoes, 5 lbs carrots, 3 lbs onions

10 x 454 g/1 lb cranberries
Dec. 24/12

4 liters skim milk
Dec. 27/12
Dec. 30/12

4 liters skim milk

900 grams extra old cheddar

4 lbs butter

1.91 kg/4.2 lbs beets

2 bunches spinach

.34 kg/.76 lb baby bok choy

1.08 kg/2.37 lb broccoli crowns

.43/.94 lb snap peas

30 avocadoes

1.45 kg/3.2 lbs tomatoes
Jan. 01/13
Jan. 04/13
.91kg/2 lb porterhouse steak (pre coupon)

10 litres of egg nog
Jan. 05/13
4 liters skim milk

Total coupons redeemed Dec. 10 - Jan. 6



Tina Klein said...

Hi, thanks for sharing. I am curious to know if you are buying name brand items for household supplies- cleaners and such? thanks.

Aunt B said...

Thanks for asking such a good question Tina. :) I think it's worth a blog post all its own. Look for it within the next few days.

Anonymous said...

You did pretty good Aunt B to be honest with you, that's great especially considering it was Dec a costly month for most people.

Aunt B said...

Thanks Mr. CBB! That means a lot coming from you. :)