Tuesday, 27 November 2012
A Few Words of Explanation
- life in this 1880 farmhouse said...
Oh my people read too much into your every word. Like you leftovers become lunches. My Dearest has the ' best' lunches in the office. In 1998 the newspaper actually ran an article on how to pack lunches and my husband was chosen for the pictures, putting a warm meal in the microwave at his office. With so many in this house I couldn't post what everyone eats during the day. I'd have to be a hawk! But I hope starting next week to post our weeks dinners and the cost, to give ideas on how to feed seven people on $300. a month. You have inspired me to do so. Keep up the good work on the diet. It is a huge challenge on its own.
28 November 2012 at 05:33
- Aunt B said...
Thank you for the positive encouragement. :) I'll look forward to reading your dinner posts. Feeding seven people on $300/month is an impressive feat!
28 November 2012 at 08:05
Anonymous said...
Just as a follow up to yesterday's comment posted in today's post. I wasn't trying to be negative, actually quite the opposite and trying to be helpful sorry if this offended you in anyway.
28 November 2012 at 12:11
- Aunt B said...
Oh no! No offense taken! I just wanted to explain why snacks and lunches don't show up in my plan.
28 November 2012 at 15:01
- Aunt B said...
I would have written a note to your email or blog to thank you for taking the time to comment if I could but no name or contact information was available to me.
28 November 2012 at 15:16